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Cenik storitve WorldSpot.net
"Brezplačni hotspots" (pomeni za uporabo brezplačnea dostopa in ne za prodajo kuponov), z manjšo omejitvijo do 30 sočasnih povezav.
Online obračun z delitve prihodkov , 75 % čistih prihodkov gre lastnikom, ostalo WordSpotu. Lahko se naročite na mesečno naročnino in dobite 100 % prihodka.
Za kupon imate na izbiro mesečno naročnino za neomejeno uporabo ali uporabnine na podlagi cene. Če želite oceniti sistem kupona za dostop, samo ustvariti vstopnice, katerih poteka traja manj kot 2 minuti. Ti ne bo treba plačati. (Preberite spodaj)
Ni nastavitvene pristojbine.
Določitev cen WorldSpot
Za uporabo kuponov oz. paračunavanja za spletno storitev, je potrebno kupiti žetone, kjer 1 žeton znaša 1 euro.Več žetonov kot kupiš, cenjše je.
Število žetonov | Cena za žeton | Primerjava |
< 25 žetonov | 1 evrov za žeton | 25 žetonov = 25 evrov |
od 25 do 50 žeton | 0.90 evrov za žeton | 50 žetonov = 47.5 evrov (-5%) |
od 50 do 100 žetonov | 0.85 evrov za žeton | 100 žetonov = 90 evrov (-10%) |
od 100 do 200 žetonov | 0.80 evrov za žeton | 200 žetonov = 170 evrov (-15%) |
od 200 do 400 žetonov | 0.75 evrov za žeton | 400 žetonov = 320 evrov (-20%) |
od 400 do 800 žetonov | 0.70 evrov za žeton | 800 žetonov = 600 evrov (-25%) |
> 800 žetonov | 0.65 evrov za žeton | 1600 žetonov = 1120 evrov (-30%) 3200 žetonov = 2160 evrov (-32.5%) |
Ko ustvarite račun vam bodo dosegljive vse worldspot storitve. Avtomatsko boste lahko vpravljali vse narejene hotspote.
Kupljeni kuponi niso časovno omejeni in veljajo za nedloločen čas.
Mesečna cena za neomejeno uporabo
Neomejeni kuponi
- Kodo za kupon lahko izberete poljubno
- Kupone lahko date za točno določene uporavnike (mac address authentication).
- Pri prodaji kuponov vam ostane 75 % prodanega.
Neomejena prodaja
- Da dobite 100% od vsega prodanega preko hotspotana vaš paypal račun..
Neomejeni kuponi + Neomejeno plačevanje
Cena z popustom: 12 žetonov za hotspot na mesec.Primer cenika
Opis | Število žetonov | Cena in euro | Popust |
1 hotspot 3 mesece (povno) | 12*3=36 žetonov | 34.90 evrov | -3.1% |
6 hotspot 1 mesece (delno) | 9*6=54 žetonov | 50.90 evrov | -5.7% |
2 hotspot 6 mesece (delno) | 9*6*2=108 žetonov | 96.40 evrov | -10.7% |
1 hotspot 12 mesece (povno) | 12*12=144 žetonov | 125.20 evrov | -13.1% |
5 hotspot 12 mesece (povno) | 5*12*12=720 žetonov | 544 evrov | -24.4% |
20 hotspot 12 mesece (povno) | 20*12*12=2880 žetonov | 1952 evrov | -32.2% |
- 30 simultaneous connections are allowed. If you have more than 30 simultaneous connections, you will be charged 9 more credits per 30 concurrent connections. For example, if your hotspot reaches 100 simultaneous connections in a month period you will be charged your 9 (or 12) + 3*9 = 36 (or 39 credits).
- A subscription period is 31 days. At the start of each month period (for each hotspot), the credit balance is debited and the subscription can't be changed until the next month period. It is possible to schedule automatic renew, upgrade or cancellation for the next period.
- When cancelling a ticket subscription, you will automatically be charged according to the per ticket pricing.
- The per hotspot pricing is based on the hotspot mac address. You are allowed to have multiple hotspots configured on the same hotspot account, but you will still be charged per hotspot.
- When subscribing, you are not required to indicate a mac address (if you don't know it). On the first user connection, the hotspot will look for a subscription with its mac address. If none is found, it will look for a subscription with no mac address and will assign its mac address to the existing subscription.
- You are NOT allowed to change your hotspot mac address. If such abuse is detected, your account will be canceled.
Nadgradnja storitev
If you don't want that anybody knows that your hotspot is managed by WorldSpot.net online service, you can subscribe to the "unbranded service" option.Another domain and ssl certificate has been setup without any mention to WorldSpot.net website.
Price: 4 credits per hotspot per month
Hotspot pod vašo domeno
It is also possible for you to have all WorldSpot.net services under your own domain name.For a yearly fee, your domain ssl certificate will be setup on WorldSpot.net servers.
Please contact WorldSpot for more details.
Cenik za kupone
- The best choice is you are not sure about your hotspot usage.
- Ticket generation and printing is still FREE!
- You are charged only when the ticket is being used for the first time.
- For multiple usage tickets, you are charged when it is used for the first time for each new device.
- For testing purpose, low time tickets (less than 2 minutes) usage are completely free.
- The per ticket price (in credits) is based on the ticket access profile time (average between total connection and expiration time). The price is displayed in the "Manage access profile" page, at the bottom.
- FREE under 2 minutes ( useful for testing or evaluation purposes)
- 0.13 credit for 1 hour
- 0.25 credit for 5 hours
- 0.40 credit for 1 day
- 1 credit for 1 week
- 2 credits for 1 month
- Tickets MUST have an expiration time, otherwise they won't be allowed to connect under the usage based pricing. The profile time taken into account is the average between the total connection time and the expiration time. For example, if you have a 6h total connection time and 24h expiration time, your profile will be considered as 12h long. Maximum profile time is 30 days.
- Once the profile time is determined, the price is a continuous function that goes through the prices displayed above. For example, a 12h ticket is charged 0.31 credits. You can use any time up to one month.
- If you use an unlimited ticket usage period then choose to stop it to get usage based pricing, all unfinished tickets that were started inside the unlimited period will be charged as if started in the usage based period.
NOTE: Worldspot pricing and conditions may change. You will be noticed by email at least 2 weeks before the new pricing conditions will be applied.
Please read WorldSpot.net's terms and conditions